We are rewriting

the rules of


With motherhood comes expectations, demands, and stereotypes around how you should mother, what you should look like and what you should feel. What’s not provided are the tools (practical, emotional or otherwise) to actually live up to the impossible standards set by society and culture.

It is time we acknowledge the whole mother — present self and future potential — and that this is one of the most undervalued, taken for granted, challenging roles in the world. It is time we rewrite the rules of motherhood.


Motherhood reimagined…

Windows, wide as they are tall, bring the outside in. The light envelops every piece of furniture and trees as far as the eye can see. Maybe a rabbit or deer outside, knowing this is a house of nurturing. We are safe here. Safe and warm in this pine house with big windows. There’s music playing in the morning. Some of us drink our coffee, while others brush their teeth and head out the door. Others are out in the garden, pulling radishes for breakfast, sneaking blackberries from the vine, feet in the cold soil. Every afternoon our neighbors, walk through the trees, from their pine cabins, to sit at our table. Our table, in every sense of the word. They are artists, painters, cooks, writers building worlds. Mothers sharing the load. We play some card game, laugh at our kids attempting to outrun the rabbits, watch the sun slide down the sky. Night comes and we light a fire, our littles slowly cozying up to us as they fight sleep from their eyes. We share songs of joy, recipes we’ve savored, poems we can’t get out of our head. We share it all, with each other. These mothers of mine.


Poetry and motherhood.

There’s power in the arts as a social emotional tool. With motherhood comes a lot of nuanced feelings — feelings that are often difficult to verbalize or navigate. Perhaps, because of shame (real or perceived), fear of judgement or guilt… to name a few. The arts can be a tool for expression of those nuanced emotions. Poetry and writing can give you a new language that allows a level of expression that you previously couldn’t reach, for whatever reason. These tools can also aid in self-reflection and create a greater sense of self-awareness. The experience of reading others’ experiences and sharing in your own can be incredibly validating. It can foster a sense of belonging. We are practicing and strengthening our coping skills through writing. We are exploring and affirming our own identities and values — which are often sidelined as mothers and sacrificed in the name of the intensive mother ideology! Writing can also give us a space to process grief or trauma — both of which are, in a sense, taboo ideas in motherhood.

“These motherhood poetry circles have been a huge support in my journey as a mother. The thoughtfulness of each session, combined with the lack of judgment, has allowed me to tap into my true feelings about my journey. I've found a community of like-minded mothers who understand and share similar struggles, making my own experience feel less lonely.”

— Mary, mother of two under five

“I look forward to the Grace’s weekly circle, where I can freely discuss the struggles and the joys of motherhood! The structure and themes of each week provide a focused way to tap into my feelings, and the supportive mothers who are a part of the circle have helped me find lightness and compassion in my own mothering.”

— Rachel, mother of one under three

For those who are prenatal or postpartum, drop-in to this support circle. It is a great place to get an introduction to social emotional arts tools and connect with others who share in your experience. We will explore universal themes in early motherhood through discussion, writing and sharing. It’s a space to express yourself and explore — free of judgement.

are you pregnant or newly a mother?

Join this intimate weekly writing circle that takes place over the course of two months. During our time together, we will examine mothering and motherhood through poetry and writing. Together, we are working towards unraveling the perfect mother myth; grieving our old identity and stepping into our new one; getting comfortable owning our story; and more.

are you in the thick of mothering?

If you’ve taken a previous circle with me and are looking for a regular writing practice, this would be a natural landing place. This will be an ongoing monthly series of poetry, prose and writing. We will examine various themes on motherhood, introduce craft and reimagine motherhood for future generations — all with an emphasis on collaboration and community.

have you taken a circle with me?

Do you work in motherhood support and are interested in a bespoke writing circle? Get in touch here.

“Grace’s circles have profoundly impacted the way I mother! The focus on honest expression and shared experience has helped me release a lot of guilt and shame I was feeling.”

— Lindsey, mother of two under four

“This has been an empowering experience for me. The permission to embrace all aspects of motherhood, not just the blissful parts, has allowed me to accept all the feelings I had been suppressing for too long. Sharing my writings and hearing others has brought a sense of relief and connection and left me feeling understood.”

— Alex, mother of three under seven

“We revolutionize motherhood by first revolutionizing ourself. Detoxing from patriarchal motherhood. rewriting rules. Then it’s through community. A movement.”

— Dr. Sophie Brock

Would you like a poem and writing prompt?

Get a feel for the kind of work we do here by signing up below. You’ll be sent a PDF with a curated poem and writing prompt to support your reading of that poem.